Life In The Word Part 3
Fruit bearing is key in this area/series. God created us to be fruitful vines. Any tree that does not bear fruits will be cut down and any tree that bears a little will be pruned to bear more. It is very important to know what Jesus came to do here on earth. God had sent several prophets to man before and then He decided to come down in his revealed nature as man to show us that we can be restored and that we are not beyond pardon. I like the fact that He came so he can know how I feel when I go through situations because he experienced the worst of that situation but he gave the situation the word of God. He didn't say God said and it maybe true, he said, 'verily, verily, I say unto you meaning truly truly or Amen, authentically from the source I say to you, 'me and my father are one'. An ambassador is treated like the president of that country even more. Jesus did not drag equality with God, as my father sent me so am I sending you. God the father, son and holy spirit. So many prophets and Kings and yet one God. Before creation, Jesus was, let 'us' make man in our image and likeness, and since I am body, soul and spirit, can I say to myself let us make man in our image and likeness? Can you separate your body from your soul and spirit?! It is expedient that I go away because if I don't go the holy spirit will not come, but when he is come he will teach you all truth. the holy spirit is a purifier, a teacher, the comforter, the spirit of the most high God, and Jesus was the flesh of the most high God then does that mean God's intellect (mind) is what we are yet to know? Because even Jesus do not know the hour or the time when He will come again but He revealed through his earthly ministry the signs that will show that he is coming soon. It just establishes the fact that Jesus is God, God gave the revealed nature a name that is greater than every other name. Have you seen someone who is jealous of himself (his picture)? Or jealous of his beloved children's progress? That is a wicked human being that has experienced sin and knows iniquity. My own arm brought salvation to Me (Read Isaiah 59:16, 63:5,40:10 and Psalm 98:1), "God's own hand/arm brought salvation to Him" in the revealed person of Jesus Christ (the word was made flesh and dwelt amongst us, In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God). God said do not make any image or likeness of anything, worship nor bow to it (first commandment from the ten). God said to Moses, "I am that I am" sent you. And he swore by himself because there was none greater than him. The sea fled before them (the Israelite's as they approached in faith with God going ahead of them). God answers any name we give him in our languages that befits an Almighty God. Now I did touch a bit of this not because I want to argue doctrine but because these were the exact thoughts going through my mind at that time when I had these dreams. The devil knows our weakness and he tries to take advantage of us when we start to drift from our place of safety into the dark. Many have lost their faith merely thinking these things that I was thinking. They are not necessary even if they seem logical. In this Kingdom logic is worldly, only the word works. So we need the holy spirit to show us what we need to know that will build our spirit man up and to burn out every shafts, a lot of things are available to us in this world but not everything is godly or will nourish our spirit man but the word of God. When we introduce the worldly to our spirit man, he goes to sleep or spiritual slumber and then the devil starts to dump garbage on us, God forbid this for anyone in Jesus mighty name Amen. Until we meet God we will keep learning about Him but when we see Him we will be like Him and evil will be no more so we would not need to learn about evil or its existence anymore. I had to pray for mercy and get my spirit out of that mess by the grace and mercy of God. The devil is the root of all division whether religious, skin color, race, tribe, nations, languages, political stands, course of study/educational and so on. Get thee behind me Satan/devil. Resist Him and He will flee from you. During the transfiguration in Matthew 17; see who appeared to Jesus (Elias which is Elijah, too - Yahweh is God or the might of God, and Moses - to whom the old testament laws were given and through whom they were delivered to God's people....., remember Elijah was taken to Heaven in a fire chariot and Moses died on that mountain - Nebo?) Read 2 Peter 1:16-18 and John 1:17, God the father did not appear but his voice again accentuated Jesus divinity, 'this is my beloved son with whom am well pleased', 'listen to Him'. Have you ever pondered or dig in the scriptures on why or asked the Holy Spirit? There were 12 elders, 12 tribes of Judah, 12 disciples, 5 stones (Jesus) that David picked up, Moses had a rod in his hand, (a lot of scripture truths are symbolic and points to Jesus divinity and also points to God). Lion of the tribe of Judah, the one that appeared in the burning fire before the three Hebrew boys got in there. Know that Jesus knew that the Pharisees were already religious and saw through their hearts, and knew that religion won't get anybody into heaven instead people were actually heavily burdened by it, so He didn't come down from Heaven to burden us more but to relive us of this burden by His blood, He made way for us, a direct relationship with him that is not dependent on us but on Him if we can believe in Him and walk in His ways (by letting our spirit be filed with the fullness of Him which is the Holy Spirit in dwelling inside of us directing us through life). Peter said at thy word, He was an expert fisherman and had done everything that ought to be done but it all ended up in futility, at the instance of Jesus, He obeyed and the impossible happened, same way He walked on water till he started sinking (His focus left Jesus and his faith started to shake when he became afraid of the wind - this is same way with life today, we experience fear and defeat when we drift but when we have faith in God, God breaks protocol to favor us). I like the way we winners pray at the beginning of each year, then follow up all through the year in the prophetic, it sows the word in us before the trials or exams comes. For 'I have already overcome the world,' Jesus said. Jesus as a fruitful vine intends for me and you to be same. Jesus wants us to do better than him and is not jealous of us? why? He is not even jealous of the father. It's because sin is not in him. sin is strange to him, that was why when he took my sins and yours it marred not just his physical body but his spirit and dragged him to the deepest part of hell and grave. God looked away from him, the spirit of God left him there to be just like me and you with the difference of him been without sin dying innocently in our place. Now when Jesus took the keys from the devil, he made an opened show of him, triumphing over him and all the believers who were dead in God, started appearing to people. Jesus went to seat at the right hand of the father and he will come again in glory while the holy spirit is inside me and you as believers till Jesus comes back for us , his own.
Reflection: Jesus is the tree of life, his life flows like a fountain of life, in a vision I saw a very strong brightness and a fountain flowing continuously and vegetation's springing forth right in front of me, and a melodious song playing at the background, 'Holy Holy Holy, blessed is he who comes in the name of thy lord, Hosanna in thy highest'. And as I kept moving forward a peace that is incomparable sprang from inside of me, I was thinking; "am I dead and in heaven already, what of my little children and husband how come they are not here?". Vegetation flourishing, kept coming out of the dry ground as the fountain flowed into them and everywhere became green from a desert land (a few minutes before). The light was so strong and bright that I couldn't even attempt to look in the direction of the light as it was coming from behind me, across me and brightening everywhere up that we didn't need any more light from that to see very far (illuminating through everything). And the Holy Spirit ministered unto me; "that is all that you need and will ever need, and I said to Him; "what is the beauty and the glory in light when I shine, but have no means or resources to back it up?" And previously I had a fearful dream {(because it made me to realize I was intentionally ignoring my calling) - I ran away from a group of people who were sick from different manner of sickness and God said pray for them, - during the last convention in New York, I had the gift of healing physically manifested through my hands that I was still trying to shake it off, 'on my way to go check on my children, I saw a man looking shabbily dressed and then he changed into a very handsome gentleman as He approached me, and He said you left the job I gave you to check on the children I gave you, so I have gone to take care of my business too. So, I started negotiating that I would go back, if, he assured me that they were okay and he said; "they were okay when I was still with them but right now we have done exchange , am going and you are on your own". So I turned around but he had disappeared}. That week before this vision, I had been very worried about getting a salaried work and bills back home that I actually started thinking a lot and just couldn't rest from all those thoughts. I sat down and I asked the Holy Spirit to please open up these dreams to me, then I had more dreams and out of them all , I got two key dreams and though the interpretations were obvious, I refused to believe them. I shared them with my husband and He confirmed that God had told him exactly what to do but he was waiting for God to show me too. So that he could go about it very fast, it took me almost 2 weeks to get my body to align to these changes but as I look back now, I automatically entered my rest. I even stopped dreaming so many fearful dreams. And in the midst of all this, I was wearing my mantle to bed, taking a shot of anointing oil and administering the misery of the communion during the midweek services too. Everything that seemed hard now looked like a walked over and God caused me to laugh and 'oh how l love Jesus because, He first loved me'.
Task: Read Matthew 3:9; John 8:39; Luke 3:8; Matthew 11:28-29 and Romans 3:27-4:25; If we are Abraham's seed then we must bear faith fruits as same. Today realize that God sent prophets to Israel but came down Himself to save me and you (the Gentiles and reconcile us to Himself including Israelite, now we are all spiritual Jews - Read Romans 2:28-29), we are worth the whole of His time, blood, sacrifice, pains, compassion, love and care. He gave all of Himself to save me and you. Are you really worth it? YES. We are redeemable, we are not satan/devil/lucifer, if we are misled, we can still repent and turn around through the blood of Jesus. Oh what sacrifice. Choose redemption, life and be fruitful.
Prayer: Father, may your blood through Jesus Christ (the Tree of Life) not be in vain on me in Jesus mighty name Amen.